Words I Mispronounce


My friend has made it obvious to me that I say a lot of words weirdly. Feels a little like this:

Probably the earliest memory I have of mispronouncing words is replacing “th” with “f.” For example, I turned “math” to “maf” and “bathroom” to “bafroom.” I think I did it because I was too lazy to say the “th” sound.  The “f” sound was just a lot easier. Apparently, I didn’t end there. I’ve been mispronouncing a ton of words my whole life, so here’s a list of just some of them:

  • Mispronunciation/Pronunciation – I pronounce them as “pronounciation,” like how you would the verb “pronounce.”
  • Compilation – I pronounce it as “compile-ation” as if the whole verb “compile” was in it.
  • Contribute – I pronounce the “contrib” part like I do for “contribution,” so there’s more of an emphasis on the first syllable than the second.
  • Supposedly – I pronounce it as “supposably” and it wasn’t until this Friends episode where I so empathized with Joey and realized I was saying it wrong too.
  • Scythe – I pronounce it as “sith” as if it rhymed with “with.” It wasn’t until I was playing a video game with a scythe in it did I say it in front of someone and then that person promptly corrected me.

That’s it for now. I know there are more words I grossly mispronounce, but it’s all I can think of for now. I’ll continue to update this as I remember/find more.

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