Weird Dreams Part 2

I was standing in my boyfriend’s backyard with a rifle/shotgun (don’t really know the difference but it was a long type gun) like the one below:


Except instead of bullets, it had dart like ammunition. I don’t know why a gun was involved…I’m fairly against them and would be terrified to hold one outside a range. Not even sure if I’d be comfortable with guns in a range as I’ve never held one. Anyways, I was with my boyfriend when I accidentally shot an old white brick pillar kind of like this one:


The one in my dream was already a little destroyed; it looked like it had been partially, shallowly demolished. And my accidental shooting made another dent in the wall and a handful of bricks fell out of the pillar. I felt soo bad since this was my boyfriend’s family home. For some reason I still proceeded to hold my gun and walked over to the fence:


I then rested my gun in one of the holes and aimed it at two crows who were fighting mid air:


Somehow with my dart gun, I shot both birds and they fell to the ground. No idea why I did that. It’s not like I even collected them after I shot them. Again, incredibly random situation considering I don’t like guns. But after that, my boyfriend’s sister came out and saw the brick pillar I shot. She was very understanding and agreed to help me hide it from her mom so I wouldn’t get in trouble. However, before the plan could be initiated, her mom came out and saw the pillar. To my relief, she too was extremely nice about it and in fact took out a couple more bricks so the indent was at least rectangular.

My boyfriend and I then left through the back pathway of the house to get to the front of it. We were about to get into the car (we were about to go out to watch a CSI movie) when my boyfriend said he needed to go back to his room for something. When we got to his room, I realized the door and everything inside was made of rock with an interior like this:


I had realized it but my boyfriend had not. We had traveled back in time so our surroundings were from the first year we met (not sure why stone though, we didn’t meet in years BC or anything) but our relationship was the current one. He had no idea but I was walking around his room having a weird deja vu moment. I didn’t want to alarm him though, so I just acted as if everything else was normal.

He got whatever he was looking for and we headed back outside. My high school friend saw us and asked if we were going to go to the big Pokemon gala even that was happening. My boyfriend and I looked at each other confused and then embarrassed, said, “We were unaware of the event so I guess we weren’t invited.” Trying to backpedal, my friend recovered the situation by explaining, “Oh they must have just invited me because I have an orientation outdoor adventure Instagram account. They told me they wanted me to talk about the event with my followers, so they’re probably just using me for that.”


We had a CSI movie to watch though, so we weren’t too bummed. We then walked to our car and then bumped into two more of my high school friends (but I hadn’t talked to these since high school). My boyfriend and I sat on the curb ended up talking to my friends and other people passing by for so long that we missed our movie.

My dream then jumped to a random scene where I was shopping with my sisters and then I woke up. Dreams are weird.

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