Weird Dreams Part 3

Oh boy. This one is exciting. A lot of people are trying to kill me apparently.

My dream started as me as Harry Potter standing with Hermione Granger. Yes, these two:


And all of a sudden, Hermione told me that I have to drink all of the alcohol (it was orange colored for some reason) in the room ASAP! And I was standing there confused because I have a low alcohol tolerance, so why would I do something so stupid? And then she explained to me, “Okay, I have to be honest with you. This isn’t real life. In real life, you’re dying in a fountain and the only way for you to get healed is to drink all the alcohol.” Well shit, Hermione, that was a big truth bomb to drop on someone. So with a spell, she brings all the alcohol in the room to a table near me and I start chugging away.

Image result for low tolerance to alcohol meme

Right when I finish the last drink, I snap into reality. Indeed I was sitting in a fountain. Then Katy Perry comes rushing over to me! She had her iconic blue hair, was wearing a skin tight white dress, and had powdered doughnut markings all over her face.

Honestly I think she was just in my dream because I had heard and liked her new song yesterday night.

She didn’t really serve a purpose in my dream because all of a sudden George from Seinfeld was there with a gun.

Let’s be real. I would not trust George with a gun.

He was protecting (?) us because there was a guy in the other room also with a gun. The other guy saw George and told him to put on a gag (to handicap himself?) but then George said, “I have my own.” He then pulled out a small ball gag (don’t ask me why this was in my dream; I have no idea) and put it in his mouth. I then was no longer Harry but George and as Harry and Hermione fled, I started to fight off this guy. Then I made a run for it. For some reason, I knew there was an entrance to the wizarding world in the bathroom around the corner. As the guy was close on my tail, I ran to the bathroom and stood in the toilet to be flushed away to the wizarding world. Unfortunately, the toilet was extremely slow and I was just slowly spinning in this toilet gradually being sucked into the wizarding world. The guy was so confused but I just kept shooting at him, hoping he would just think it was a dream.

When I got dropped into the wizarding world, it was like there was a waiting room the three of us had to sit in first. In front of us was a board full of reviews of other entrances to the wizarding world. Before we could continue on, we had to rate the system we just took. Harry and Hermione gave it a 1, but I gave it a 2 because I had seen worse. The average on the board for that toilet entrance was a 1.5.

Jump scene.

I was just me and realized that I had made a terrible mistake. I had left one of my family’s cars in a secured parking lot and the other a parking lot near where I used to intern (in real life). Both lots were locked up, so I was left without a car. The next day, I went to get one of them from the lot, but I was told that the wait could be up to 24 hours. I wasn’t going to stick around for that, so I left. I came back another day, but this time I was Hermione (don’t know why I was so fixated on the whole wizard thing). The first thing I had to do to get my car back was to taste a bunch of candies that looked like rocks. Or were they rocks that looked like candies?

Kinda Like these but really tiny and prettier

I finished all of them and thought I could get my car back. But nooo. They had another test for me. I was just so done with all of it. Suddenly, still as Hermione, I’m in a kitchen with my high school friend in the next room. I tell her I’m done with my test and want my car back. She hands me an empty bottle of rum and starts coming at me belligerently.

Image result for jack sparrow rum

So I take her bottle and start hitting her over the head with it.

*I’d like to take a moment here to note that I don’t even think I’m capable of slapping someone, let alone taking a bottle and smashing it over someone’s head.

But then she grabs a bat and is about to hit me with it. But I use a spell to create a protective bubble around myself in hopes that she is too drunk to realize this isn’t a dream.

And that’s that. I don’t know if I end up even getting my cars back.

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