Well that was embarrassing…

Soooo I’m the type of person to probably say, “bless you” after hearing a someone sneeze, even if they are a stranger. Just seems like a courteous thing to do, to acknowledge someone’s sneeze. Because of this, I like to be blessed when I sneeze. I know, it’s a stupid thing to want, but I really do appreciate it. However, I have found a lot of people don’t say it, so I’m left to say, “excuse me.”

For some reason, the other day I sneezed and said, “excuse me, thank you.” EVEN THOUGH NO ONE SAID BLESS YOU. I guess in my head I had heard some echo of a bless you (probably just desperately wanting one) and attached a “thank you” to my “excuse me.” whoops. oh well. My life is just a series of awkward events anyways.

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