
I have to be honest with you. I’ve been scared of starting this site as it essentially is an online journal for me. But here I am and I have committed. So let me introduce myself and my site.

Things I love:

  • California
  • Food
  • Sleep
  • Talking about different perspectives on life
  • Asking questions about hypothetical situations
  • Jigsaw puzzles
  • Computer/video/board/card/etc. games

As for my site, it’s first and foremost a forum for my random thoughts. In a world where information is shared so quickly and widely, I wanted one place I can process it all. I also want to take this opportunity to jot down my experiences for myself and others. I know I’ve appreciated so many other blogs that do the same.

A quick guide:

Remember Me – For the things I think are worth saving in one place. Probably filled with cute and funny pics/videos that simply make my day and hopefully make yours.

Musings – For thoughts I have on everything and anything.