Well that was embarrassing…

Soooo I’m the type of person to probably say, “bless you” after hearing a someone sneeze, even if they are a stranger. Just seems like a courteous thing to do, to acknowledge someone’s sneeze. Because of this, I like to be blessed when I sneeze. I know, it’s a stupid thing to want, but I really do appreciate it. However, I have found a lot of people don’t say it, so I’m left to say, “excuse me.”

For some reason, the other day I sneezed and said, “excuse me, thank you.” EVEN THOUGH NO ONE SAID BLESS YOU. I guess in my head I had heard some echo of a bless you (probably just desperately wanting one) and attached a “thank you” to my “excuse me.” whoops. oh well. My life is just a series of awkward events anyways.

Weird Dreams Part 3

Oh boy. This one is exciting. A lot of people are trying to kill me apparently.

My dream started as me as Harry Potter standing with Hermione Granger. Yes, these two:


And all of a sudden, Hermione told me that I have to drink all of the alcohol (it was orange colored for some reason) in the room ASAP! And I was standing there confused because I have a low alcohol tolerance, so why would I do something so stupid? Continue reading

Weird Dreams Part 2

I was standing in my boyfriend’s backyard with a rifle/shotgun (don’t really know the difference but it was a long type gun) like the one below:


Except instead of bullets, it had dart like ammunition. I don’t know why a gun was involved…I’m fairly against them and would be terrified to hold one outside a range. Not even sure if I’d be comfortable with guns in a range as I’ve never held one. Anyways, I was with my boyfriend when I accidentally shot an old white brick pillar kind of like this one:


The one in my dream was already a little destroyed; it looked like it had been partially, shallowly demolished. And my accidental shooting made another dent in the wall and a handful of bricks fell out of the pillar. I felt soo bad since this was my boyfriend’s family home. For some reason I still proceeded to hold my gun and walked over to the fence: Continue reading

Words I Mispronounce


My friend has made it obvious to me that I say a lot of words weirdly. Feels a little like this:

Probably the earliest memory I have of mispronouncing words is replacing “th” with “f.” For example, I turned “math” to “maf” and “bathroom” to “bafroom.” I think I did it because I was too lazy to say the “th” sound.  The “f” sound was just a lot easier. Apparently, I didn’t end there. I’ve been mispronouncing a ton of words my whole life, so here’s a list of just some of them: Continue reading

Weird Dreams Part 1

Sooooooo I have pretty weird dreams. But I know I’m not the only one. I know there are many others out there that have just as weird if not weirder dreams than I do. Our minds just work in strange ways when we’re asleep. I can’t write down all my dreams here, since I forget a lot of them within a minute of waking up, but I’ll try and write down the more interesting ones.

SO. I was sitting on a bed that was raised pretty high up like this:


Except there was no ladder. I was just stuck up there along with a couple of other people. Then all of a sudden, some “bad guy” (not really clear on if this was an actual person) released tigers and lions and other dangerous animals into this room. Continue reading

Chicken or the Egg?

Ever since I stepped into a science class, I thought, “Why is this even a question? Of course the egg came first!!”


This is why: the chicken has to come from an egg. An egg does not have to come from a chicken. Now I’m sure many people have come to the same conclusion. Some egg laying species (an almost chicken species) must have laid the egg and it was mutated and became a chicken.

It’s a pretty simple concept and puts this ancient question to rest. However, the reason why I bring it up is because the other day, my boyfriend and I were talking about this and something interesting happened. He told me his thoughts on it and they were exactly the same as mine. I had never expressed my thoughts on this to anyone else before, thought it was a weird opinion to have on a rhetorical question. But there I was, sitting in the car with someone else who had also thought about an answer that didn’t matter. That moment reminded me of one of the many reasons why I love him. He’s someone with whom I not only can talk about my extremely weird thoughts but also can share them.


Car Lost and Found

A couple of weeks ago, my car was stolen. No, I didn’t park it in some sketchy neighborhood. And no, I didn’t forget to lock my car. On a Thursday night, I parked at an open lot right next to my college because the main lot was full (curse you limited parking spots!). When I pulled in, I remember thinking to myself, “Sweet! The first spot is open. I guess today is my lucky day.”

As I was parking, I noticed a car a few spots next to mine that was blasting music. There were a couple of guys talking loudly in it, and they seemed to be waiting for their friend who had just finished talking to someone and started walking toward the car. Being a super paranoid person, I told myself to check that my doors were locked before leaving it. So I went over to the passenger’s side to get my bags and then I locked the doors. For good measure, when I closed the door, I tried the handle and looked over to the driver’s side to make sure that lock was down as well.

768fc3547394064b46298c4c132f22d7Unfortunately, none of it mattered because on Friday night when my boyfriend and I wanted to go out to Norm’s for some food (yay for 24/7 diners!), I came to a different car parked in my spot. Continue reading

Pet Peeves

In my About section, you can find a small list of things I love. As a first post, I just wanted to write up a brief list of things that is the other half – my pet peeves. This is not a comprehensive list (I will most certainly be updating this or just writing a part 2), but I’m sure you can relate to at least a few of these:

  1. Groups of people walking slowly and blocking the whole sidewalk – just no.
  2. Slow drivers in the left lane – see image to help you decide where you should be driving.17p628mwxidnyjpg
  3. People who misuse their blinkers – I was giving you space to let you in and you just let me down. I vouched for you!
  4. People who make you change everybody’s plans for them….and end up not even going – you are every planner’s worst enemy. Now the event sucks because of you and you’re not even there. You’re like the person who would purposely go in the middle of a crowd to fart and then walk away.
  5. People who stand at the top of an escalator and don’t move out of the way – there is no such thing as stopping on an escalator. You are about to make me the first domino in a long chain downward.
  6. People who use the word “osmosis” incorrectly – this probably is a weird pet peeve, but for some reason, it irks me when people use it for anything that’s not a solvent (typically water). Just use “diffusion.”
  7. People who are on their phone when you’re talking to them – seriously!?! eye contact is such a low bar for social standards. The least you can do is 1) let me know you’re responding to something that needs your attention now or 2) take your eyes off that Tasty video playing on your Facebook news feed. Please and thank you.

That’s it for now. I might go watch more Tasty videos now.